LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling

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What is LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling?

For us, it means empowering and supporting LGBTQ+ and questioning individuals by understanding the unique issues experienced by the community, such as homophobia/transphobia, higher suicide and substance abuse rates, etc. We also denounce reparative and conversion therapy, which is highly harmful for the community – especially with youth that trying to come to terms with their identities. We are a safe space to deal with issues without judgment or trying to force a view on someone.

Identity Conflicts

Identity Conflicts

Growing up in a society that promotes binary thinking and heteronormativity can be so confusing when you begin to see more fluidity or differentness within yourself. Have no fear! There is nothing wrong with you, and we are here to walk with you as you get in touch with your truest self! Whether you have recently begun your process of self discovery, you've known for some time, or you have been "out" for as long as you can remember, we are here for you!! We often refer people to the Gender Unicorn (, which provides more inclusivity and insight into the fluidity of these social constructs.

LGBTQ+ Family Dynamics

LGBTQ+ Family Dynamics

Sometimes this "F" word can be seen as much more offensive than the four letter "F" word depending on who you talk to. Having unsupportive family members can be devastating for an individual's sense of self-worth and increase their likelihood for suicide. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for individuals who may have family members, who are wanting to understand how to better support and understand their loved ones. We believe that it can be helpful to have another person by your side to act as an advocate and provide an assist in navigating these conversations. We also are here to support you even if your family members do not or are unwilling to participate in these conversations. We will sit with you in the hurt and walk with you toward the life you desire to have.

Finding Your Community

Finding Your Community

If you are reading this page, chances are you either live here in the East Texas area, or somewhere similar, and you don't tend to see pages like this. We are so glad you are taking these steps to build your support system. While there aren't an abundance of resources related to providing safe, affirming spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals, we are thankful to know of some available options. There are organizations with local chapters like PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), TAG (Tyler Area Gays), and Tyler Transgender Support Group that participate in creating events and activities such as Pride in the Park, Pagan Pride Fest, protests and pride walks, health fairs, and support groups. Be sure to check them out on social media to learn more about them! You may find that some of these organizations host events for dinner outings, putt-putt, karaoke, bowling, and more! For those of you who are looking for a church community that will affirm you, Just As I Am or the Unitarian Universalist Church are available resources. (Check out for those of you who are attempting to maintain your faith and have a desire to connect and learn more). We're also looking for any secular, Wiccan, or any Pagan related organizations that share our passion for affirming our LGBTQ+ community, we'd love to hear from you and network with you! If you or someone you love is still in middle school or high school, you can check to see if they have a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) or simply check to determine if there's a local chapter nearby! Also, also, if you have experienced any transphobia, racism, sexism, or homophobia within these organizations and did not see proper action taken, we want to hear about it so that we can keep this information updated! There are also National organizations like The Trevor Project (, It Gets Better (, and Trans Lifeline