Couples/Relationship Counseling

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Do you feel like your relationship is at a standstill? Are you and a partner stuck in the same argument loop? Do you feel like you and a partner are drifting away? Do you desire more intimacy between you and a partner?

All things can be improved, changed, and bettered with just a little support, no matter how big or small. With couples/relationship therapy, you’ll learn how to communicate your feelings and needs, and get what you want out of your relationship.

Some issues that bring people to couples/relationship therapy are:

  • Addiction/Partner Addiction Support
  • Balance (Work/Life/Family)
  • Blended Families
  • Chronic Illness
  • Consensual Non-Monogamy
  • Divorce/Breaking Up
  • Extended Family
  • Financial Concerns
  • Infidelity/Cheating
  • Intimacy
  • Mental Illness
  • Pre-Marital/Readiness
  • Pornography
  • Sex

In couples/relationship therapy sessions, we aim to help people develop the necessary skills needed to maintain sustaining love.

If any of the above relate to you and a partner in your relationship, contact us today about scheduling a session with our relationship counselor, Yuri Oakmon, LMFT-Associate. We would love to have her speak with you about how she may be able to help reconnect and rekindle your love for one another.